Monday 2 February 2015

Invasion of our privacy

As most of you are aware, over the past few years there's been drastic changes to our levels of personal privacy, mainly on the internet with kingpin bastards like Facebook and Google watching our every move. Almost all of us have a Facebook account, and statistically 68% of internet users use Google as their primary search engine so it's a pretty big concern for most computer monkeys. 

I first noticed Google and Facebook snooping on my shit a few years back. I was casually browsing the internet in search of some new plain black Nike trainers to wear instead of school shoes, because you know, fuck the system.Then I log into Facebook, and wouldn't you know it, the exact same pair of trainers is right there in my advertisements, being sold on various websites. Back then this freaked me out as I had no idea what targeted advertisement was, but I'm sure by now you've all experienced similar things and know what I'm talking about. 

Oh yeah, if you look at porn, your Facebook will become a target place for companies advertising 'hot busty singles in your area' or 'lonely milfs' and the like - You get the picture. Which in itself can get you in all kinds of awkward situations with girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, teachers etc.

Mr George Orwell will be turning in his grave right about now, if you don't know who Orwell is (what are you doing!?) pick up 1984 and have a read. It was published in 1949, and he predicts these sort of levels of privacy invasion to be happening in 1984, let alone 2015. It's an incredible book that really makes you wonder who's in charge, and how much of your life they control. (Fun fact: 'Big Brother' is the name of the all seeing, controlling government in the book,which is where the horrendous reality TV show gets its name from)

So, if you installed the recent Facebook messenger app, you have agreed to the following terms and conditions. And I bet you didn't even know it, this is literally only about 20% of the things you've allowed Facebook to do with your device. You can check out the full list here 

(This hasn't been officially confirmed by Facebook, and they will likely deny it. But I for one don't trust them whatsoever)

Allows the app to call phone numbers without your intervention. This may result in unexpected charges or calls. Malicious apps may cost you money by making calls without your confirmation – The app can call phone numbers within your call log without your permission.  If you have paid minutes, this will count against them.

Allows the app to send SMS messages. This may result in unexpected charges. Malicious apps may cost you money by sending messages without your confirmation – The app can message anyone it likes without asking your permission and cost you money if you don’t have a texting plan.

Allows the app to record audio with microphone – This permission allows the app to record audio at any time without your confirmation

Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera – This permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation.

Scary stuff right? This blog is dragging on so I'll wrap it up. Realistically, the man is using this information to crack down on terrorists, pedophiles, murderers, you know, the real sick puppies. So unless you're planning to become any of those things you should be fine, and won't have the police kicking down your front door any time soon. BUT, my point is: WHY do we live in a world where this is even necessary!? Humans are straight up disgusting, why can't we all get along and NOT try and murder innocent people, or destroy the life of a child? Really, it's not that hard to be a nice person. 

 Anyway, peace out. Don't do anything too bad on the internet, you never know who's watching...

(If you're reading this Google, Facebook or any other privacy invading establishment: fuck you)

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