Thursday 19 February 2015

MC DRS Part 2 - Blackhearted - Lyric Discussion

MC DRS - Blackhearted - Lyric Discussion

Earlier in the week I spoke about DRS' Soul Remembers. Hopefully you've seen it but if not you can check it out  here.
I sent it over to the man himself and he said some real positive stuff about it and even said "It's an accurate breakdown of some of his ramblings." So I'm honored as fuck. Big up everyone that took the time to read it, I'm happy as Larry people actually bother to read what I write, if you're reading this now, you're a don. 

Anyway, I promised a follow up to again prove DRS is way more your standard MC. I'm sticking to 'I Don't Usually Like MC's But.....' as it's his most recent full album. I could choose A LOT of songs to talk about but we'll keep em linked together for now.

(Photo taken from the video from HeavyFeet & DRS - Dirty & Stinking, listen here. Sick song and equally as sick video)

Blackhearted is the tune of choice, you can listen to it with this madness of a hyperlink I just inserted. To fully judge the song you need to listen to the whole thing, I just write about a tiny proportion of it.

Lynx is the beat maestro, throwing in a powerful bassline that adds to the tone of the song, and this one is a lot darker than Soul Remembers.
It focuses on the youth of today being quite simply 'Blackhearted.' It's relatable to more than just the usual DRS audience, it really is a massive issue in Britain's youth culture. Sure, the youth has always been fucked up, but here DR accurately spits about issues the current youngens (including myself) have to deal with growing up in this ever-grey country.

Both verses hold an insane level of impact and expression, but I feel verse two fully hits the nail on the head and is the most powerful lyrically. Plus I don't want make this a 10 page essay.

"Blackhearted children, the city's lost souls.
Millions of tortured minds, their stories not told.
At the end of their rainbow there's not gold,
Hard to be positive or find someone that's not cold."

Even though this intro to the verse doesn't use any ridiculously complex rhyme or vocabulary styles, it's still so relevant and true. A lot of the time it is hard to be positive. The majority of things we hear and see are usually death, poverty, hatred and money issues. How can kids growing up be positive when that's all they know of the world? Adults have become cold from being treated like shit, seeing a lack of hope and generally losing trust in society as a whole. Bang. That's what these bars make me think anyway.

"Millions of tortured minds, their stories not told." Insane impact, "Tortured minds" with "their stories not told" speaks to me. So many of us have our minds rammed with paranoia, or the fear of not amounting to anything, or wasting our lives away, whatever the situation is. But because so many are in the same situation, no one speaks about how it is up in their head. Hence why the youth just act cold-hearted, and walk around "hood up expression frozen". It's a thought process that usually ends in people doing stupid shit because they 'don't care' - but you know it's not a smart choice.

(Or maybe kids smash stuff up purely for fun, who knows)

"Short lived escapes can be bought in ready amounts,
If you need weapons no worries plenty about"

Truth. Again. "Short lived escapes" is an accurate metaphor for drugs, which are ridiculously accessible to the youth. They're all short lived escapes, you just leave reality for a little while and eventually come back with a hole in your pocket, or a hole in lining of your nostrils... The second line is self explanatory, tools used to kill another human are just way too easy to get hold of. 

"Nobody cares that they've been led astray, 
just that they were carrying a knife when they left home today."

This one hits hard, and is the final line of the second verse making it hit even harder. Few actually give a fuck that our youth are growing up with all of these issues, but they're ready to pounce on the troubled ones that feel as if they need to carry protection to not get robbed or attacked. Yeah there's a LOT of fuckers that carry a weapon as a form of intimidation to get what they want, but if their world was a kinder environment that doesn't prioritize money and power, they wouldn't have adopted that mindset in the first place...

I hope you enjoyed reading what I have to say, sorry it's quite negative overall but these are some real concerns DRS is making which he delivers with talent and originality. 

Will our culture ever change? Probably never. These are just current problems too, if DR was around 50 years ago he'd probably still be making similar observations, but talking about the issues that those kids have to deal with in that era instead. Straight up inspiring stuff for me. 

Download 'I Don't Usually Like MC's But...' here

DRS' second album 'Mid Mic Crisis' is out in March, be sure to listen, I'm certain it will be top notch.

You can also give him a follow on Twitter @MCDRS 

- Peace

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