Thursday 5 February 2015

Religion - My View

Religion - My View

Religion is one of the biggest argument starters in the history of mankind. I could honestly write a short novel on my whole mentality and opinion towards it, but that's not what a blog is for, so I'm just going to write a bit about my take on it. I'm attempting to not focus on one group, but religion as a whole.

I respect people that are heavily religious, I equally respect people that are strongly anti-religion.
My question is, why do such a large amount of religious folk feel the need to preach their ways towards those that don't feel the need to worship a God? I'd consider myself an Atheist, yet I don't go around telling people they should become an Atheist, because people are in control of their own life's and can be whatever the hell they want. I really don't care what you believe as long as you're a nice person to be around.

I've been in multiple situations (particularly in America) where I've mentioned I'm Atheist, only to be met with things like "Finding God will improve your life" or "You should have faith in God, he creates your life path" - No. I create my own life path. I choose which opportunities to take and what not to take. My life doesn't need improving, I'm very happy the way I am. Surely relying on God to sort my life out will just lead to problems when he doesn't appear in my time of need.

I believe in being a kind human being because that's what all humans should aim to be, and if you don't agree with that you're probably an inconsiderate arsehole. You shouldn't be kind or caring because that's what God wants, you yourself should want to bring positivity into people's life's.

Napoleon speaks sense in my eyes. In the Renaissance Era, religion was massively used as a tool by the church and other establishments to try and shape up humanity. People wouldn't commit crimes because they were terrified of being sent to hell, which is a good thing, less crime = happier humans. But in this era, religion has become a tool of war, a tool of hatred. Individuals aren't scared of hell. To them committing suicide and killing innocent people in the name of their God is okay? That is the most illogical bullshit I've ever experienced in life, how can taking the lives of innocents be the right thing to do under any circumstance!?

The sheer divide religion creates between humans is outrageous, as soon as opinions are split into various religious beliefs, conflict almost certainly follows. This simply shouldn't happen. The world would 100% without a doubt be a much more peaceful, caring place if religion didn't exist.

Stephen Fry makes so many LOGICAL points in this interview, it's only two minutes long, have a watch -

"Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told regardless of what is right"

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