Friday 13 February 2015

ANONYMOUS - #OpDeathEaters - Happening Now

#OpDeathEaters - Happening Now

I don't know if you'll have seen this going on, but a month ago the online hacktivist group Anonymous posted this video online.

In case you're too lazy to watch the link I just gave you - Anonymous vowed to start a march and protest TONIGHT - February 13th 2015, in order to expose "a club that has existed for many years. A club of elite peadophiles that have been tourturing, raping and murdering children for their own entertainment." They will be marching to multiple houses of supposed child abusers, and exposing them for who they really are. The march is mainly taking place in London, but different branches of Anonymous in different cities are also apparently taking part and exposing abusers in their area.

As the video explains, this "club" has influential politicians, singers, actors, men and women all taking part in this downright sick shit. They are supposedly the elite few that are above the law, their depraved acts are kept locked away in the vault of dark secrecy never to be discovered by the public... Until Anonymous come along and hack their computers, revealing all of the inhuman antics they've been getting up to and arranging.

Rumours and bits of 'evidence' have been floating around about this elite pedophile ring for a while, but public heroes Anonymous decided to dig deeper and have finally uncovered all sorts of disturbing truths.

Brace for the dirty details: Supposedly these men and women literally pay huge sums of money at a time in order to do what they please to a young child. They get to pick gender, size, age, hair colour, skin colour, you name it. Anything that these dirty fucks fancy they receive. They're literally allowed to do anything they want with the children, and this often results in the murder of a child so the club remains a secret to society.

Read the shocking account of a victim of the elite abuse ring. There is nothing to prove this man is telling the truth, but it's some pretty nasty information he's given off -

Some of the abusers are potentially making decisions regarding the future of our country.
Some of the abusers are singers and celebrities you'll hear on the radio and see on the television.

And THIS is what they get up to in their free time?

This is all great stuff, but I wonder if Anon have sufficient evidence to turn up at a potential abusers doorsteps. Meaning if they got some wrong info, or the person is completely innocent a huge group of protesters arriving outside their house will cause all sorts of problems for everyone involved. Only time will tell.

Also, WHY hasn't this story received more coverage from the mainstream media? Is there something they're trying to hide? It makes you wonder...

I intend to write a follow up blog releasing what went down/is going to go down this evening as soon as the information is available.


  1. Where's that follow up post homie!

  2. There literally appears to be no more info ANYWHERE on it Dan it sucks!
