Friday 30 January 2015

Boris Johnson vs Jihadist wankers

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson has recently released one of his opinions about Jihadists in an interview with The Sun. His views are, outspoken to say the least. But I think he deserves respect for showing absolutely no fear when making bold statements like this:

"If you look at all the psychological profiling about bombers, they typically will look at porn. They are literally wankers. Severe onanists"

What a comment! But in seriousness, these type of opinions really don't go down too positively with, well anyone really. I for one salute Mr Johnson for doing what other politicians rarely ever do; genuinely speaking their mind. But why are honest opinions so frowned upon in politics? Why do such a large percentage of our population get offended so easily? Granted, Boris' comment has offended countless people and this is understandable. Perhaps 'wankers' wasn't the best term to use, but it's directly to the point! He doesn't beat around the bush...

The big BJ then said "They are not making it with girls and so they turn to other forms of spiritual comfort - which of course is no comfort" followed by "They are losers and this thing makes them feel strong - like winners" Yep, Boris Johnson just called Jihadists "losers" and "wankers" in the same interview, which has been described as crass and not keeping up with his position. As of yet there hasn't been any form of real retaliation, sticky letter bombs haven't been sent to BJ's house and as long as he doesn't draw the prophet Mohammed in any magazines any time soon, these comments shouldn't result in a bullet to the head. 

Think whatever you like about Boris Johnson, but the man is undeniably very influential and relates to the public in a much more effective way than the monotonous Mr Cameron. In the upcoming general election, Boris is leading the Tory party's electoral charge in the north of England  and has even been referred to as David Cameron's 'star player'! Great Britain's future is likely going to be significantly influenced by BJ, whether he be a front man or making decisions behind closed doors. I hope he always keeps coming out with more hilarious antics, honesty, and continues to grows as a leader. 
Seeing as he's been called a 'star player', I leave you with this glorious piece of sporting ability, enjoy.

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