Sunday 15 March 2015

When The Queen dies

This is just a random thought that occurred to me, but when the Queen eventually dies Britain will temporarily be a crazy place.

There she is.

I would say at least half of the people living in Britain at this moment were born after The Queen began her reign.

Meaning they have never experienced life without The Queen being around. Now she really doesn't do fuck all other than pass the occasional law and waste tax payers money on ridiculous personal services. But that's a different topic.

When Queen E eventually passes her sell by date, there will be a shitstorm among our population. In particular those sad bastards that basically worship The Royal Family. I really can't understand why people love them so much but whatever, I'm not here to judge...

On the day of her death and possibly also funeral, we will have a national holiday every year after the day arrives. Can't complain about that, even though they fuck up schedules for a lot of people but at least we get to slob around all day to commemorate The Queen's final day on this planet.

It will be one of the biggest  breaking news stories of all time. Bigger than Michael Jackson and Tupac's death combined. Eastenders will be interrupted to tell us what's happened, maybe even Jeremy Kyle. Pure pandemonium..

Now I won't really care when The Queen actually pushes daisies. She is 88 now, and even with her Royal Family exclusive multi-million pound medical treatments she will eventually decease. I don't want her to die, I'm not a sick fuck. I just won't be crying in my bed for days when she does.

The point of this pointless blog is to just make you think how The Queen's death will affect you.

Don't lie, you probably won't give a shit.

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