Sunday 15 March 2015

When The Queen dies

This is just a random thought that occurred to me, but when the Queen eventually dies Britain will temporarily be a crazy place.

There she is.

I would say at least half of the people living in Britain at this moment were born after The Queen began her reign.

Meaning they have never experienced life without The Queen being around. Now she really doesn't do fuck all other than pass the occasional law and waste tax payers money on ridiculous personal services. But that's a different topic.

When Queen E eventually passes her sell by date, there will be a shitstorm among our population. In particular those sad bastards that basically worship The Royal Family. I really can't understand why people love them so much but whatever, I'm not here to judge...

On the day of her death and possibly also funeral, we will have a national holiday every year after the day arrives. Can't complain about that, even though they fuck up schedules for a lot of people but at least we get to slob around all day to commemorate The Queen's final day on this planet.

It will be one of the biggest  breaking news stories of all time. Bigger than Michael Jackson and Tupac's death combined. Eastenders will be interrupted to tell us what's happened, maybe even Jeremy Kyle. Pure pandemonium..

Now I won't really care when The Queen actually pushes daisies. She is 88 now, and even with her Royal Family exclusive multi-million pound medical treatments she will eventually decease. I don't want her to die, I'm not a sick fuck. I just won't be crying in my bed for days when she does.

The point of this pointless blog is to just make you think how The Queen's death will affect you.

Don't lie, you probably won't give a shit.

Sunday 8 March 2015


People with literally zero ambition in life might as well just go grab that bottle of bleach from under the sink, and chug that shit down.

You get people who are happy to accept the bare minimum and slug away at a boring job they don't enjoy, day in day out repeating the same old cycle. Sleep, work, sleep work. This is a perfectly fine lifestyle choice and I have serious respect for these people. Not the direction I want to go, but at least they have the motivation to get a job and make a living. Sure they'll never inspire anyone, but getting out of bed everyday to earn a wage deserves respect regardless of your occupation.

Then there's the scum. The individuals who are nothing more than a waste of a human life. They likely have 5+ children, and because of this they don't need a job due to the Government paying for their weekly supply of Space Invaders, Sterling cigs and a few bottles of Frosty Jacks. Sometimes rare breeds of these strange life forms DO have jobs, but they'll just work 3 hour shifts at their local corner store and steal Wotsits from under the till, go on a fag break every 10 minutes, and wait for their shift to be over. But most of the time these fucks are un-employed and literally do nothing other than sit at home ALL DAY.

I can't comprehend how lazy bastards  can live with themselves knowing they are literally worthless. What do they contribute towards society? Do they actively improve the life's of the people around them by doing the square root of fuck all for their entire existence?

I'm not at all saying if you don't have a job you're a scumbag. Jobs are really quite difficult to obtain. If you're jobless but trying to sort yourself out you're a brilliant person. My issue (as you probably realise) is the one's that don't even attempt to make something of themselves. There's literally hundreds of millions of other human beings who would kill to be in the same situation as these lazy mugs, and they would work so hard if given that opportunity.

Our culture has created an acceptance towards doing nothing. It's so depressing knowing so many humans don't, and will never try and make something of themselves.

Friday 6 March 2015

Fuck Relationships

I'm convinced there's a strange subconscious desire among young people, who think we need to be in a relationship.

Obviously this isn't true for everyone. I personally don't want one at the moment, and haven't done for a long time. I don't intend on looking for one until I sort my life out and actually have the confidence and motivation to do so, or that day I genuinely meet someone who absolutely blows my mind. There's a lot of people in my position. I want to have fun being young, I want to spend time going out with friends and I don't want to be concerned with keeping my other half happy 24 hours a day. Ain't nobody got time for that right now.

Particularly in younger people, I see them switching in and out of relationships like they're a fucking outfit. Do they actually love the people they agree to go out with in the first place? No. Then why create the fake relationship based of something they never plan to last?

There's so many couples who try to stay together, but their relationship is full of arguments and they're constantly 'on a break' from each other. Tell me the point of this. Your connection clearly isn't working, and it creates way more negativeness in comparison to positivity. It's like buying a meal you only enjoy 1/4 of every single day, you're left with so much unnecessary hassle is it really worth your time until you meet someone you truly adore?

In this society I honestly view so many relationships as nothing more than child producing fuckups. These people get together for what, six months? The girl gets pregnant, and because they're complete morons they are in no way capable of looking after their own romance let alone the life of a child. The child grows up with a horribly unstable family, and then they end up repeating the same scumbag cycle as their irresponsible parents. Good one.